19 Days of Activism for Prevention of Violence and Abuse Against Children and Youth 1-19 November” 606/19.11.21

We had a Dream … and now we have a Plan with the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, especially with SDG Target 16.2 “End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children by 2030.”

WWSF is happy to share with you our 2021 Prevention Kit “19 Days of Activism for Prevention of Violence Against Children and Youth 1-19 November” (with 19 themes for action) and informs you that we have linked our “19 Days Call to Action” to the UN Sustainable Development Goal Target 16.2 – Agenda 2030 – leaving no one behind.

We invite you to join us as an active campaign coalition partner and share our proposed ideas for action with your civil society network, faith-based leaders, and youth groups around the world.

Download the 2021 kit here

We are happy to present to you the 11th edition of the WWSF Kit “19 Days of Activism for Prevention of Violence Against Children and youth 1-19 November”.

Please remember that this Kit and its 19 themes with ideas for action are central to your campaign activities. For this reason, we stress that you familiarize yourself with the revised information incorporated in the 2020 Kit, including additional information about ideas for action, especially for COVID-19, including what faith-based leaders and what youth can do around the world.

You are free to choose and develop your own action plans and events, be it at a local, national, or international level. Please note that you remain completely free to focus your campaign on the theme(s) of your choice. All we ask is to serve your community and remember activism must connect with real people on the ground. Choose a theme(s) and create change! Use the Kit and move others into compassion and action with you! You are the key to creating the world we want, a world fit for children and youth.

We look forward to your registration via our website and will stay connected daily during the 19 Days campaign via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Once you have registered your program and sent your action plan, we will make available to you our Media Pack with logos, images, PowerPoints, brochures, and posters to support your transformative action in your communities.

An annual Global Campaign Impact Report is published online, summarizing active coalition member organizations’  reports.

In partnership, WWSF campaign Team

Archives: Campaign Kit “19 Days of Activism for Prevention of Violence Against Children and Youth 1-19 November”

Prevention Kit – Edition 2020

Prevention Kit – Edition 2019

Prevention Kit – Edition 2018 

Prevention Kit – Edition 2017 

Prevention Kit – Edition 2016